Creating Climate for Performance
Developing Next Generation Leaders
Performance Enhancement Programme
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Our Capabilities

Engage, Equip and Empower


It goes without saying that if you have highly competent people in well designed roles and supported by excellent processes that work as designed, these will together create engaging and productive work climates and result in outstanding individual and organizational achievements and success. These highlighted elements constitute the dynamic levers that ultimately determine organizational performance.

We possess the capability to diagnose these - to measure, improve and track;

  • The available requisite competence and skills to deliver strategy
  • The effectiveness of the design of roles and structure to support strategy delivery
  • Process Effectivenes
  • Leadership behavior
  • Climate effectiveness

These measures as then used as essential items of a business leadership team’s Management Information System and Performance dash-board. That way you are better able to explore and mine the information they provide, for answers and action, beyond anecdotes. After all they hold many of the answers to an organization’s performance issues. Such data also inform the questions posed to challenge performance when making decisions regarding quality of strategic delivery as well as the effectiveness of Human Capital initiatives. All these drive and sustain a culture of performance and success.

Engage, Equip and Empower

Against this background and with the information we have from these measures we are able to Engage, Equip and Empower people. These three elements will be found in a typical 3e Performance intervention. Whether at the level of an individual, two people in a relationship, a team or at an organizational level, the three elements are usually involved.

Engage entails exploring how things or situations occur to people individually or collectively within a relationship, a team or an organization. This is a key determinant of people’s performance. Having explored how a situation occurs to people, we challenge the underlying assumptions and the constructed realities based on such assumptions and then perform a controlled disruption of the normal ways of doing things. This is followed by introduction to new ways of thinking about the same things or situations, which then results in a change in how the things or situations occurs to them, leading to a superior level of performance.

Equip entails providing people with access to the vital resources that they require to transition from who they are to who they have to be in order to achieve what they aspire to. We provide a tool-kit of techniques and ‘how to essentials’ for handling bilateral and multilateral engagements with others, creating conducive climates for productive relationships and for anchoring performance.

Empower is about creating a climate that causes people to see that they are part of something big and powerful for themselves and their organization. This makes them feel competent and confident to play a part in it, put in more effort and apply the tools they are equipped with. After all, everything in an organization has its origins in the minds of people at every level. It is all about their ideas and thoughts that find expression in the climate and eventually on the bottom-line of the organization.